Re-Fuse Congress Hamburg 2024

The world is on fire. War and capitalism have been heading towards total collapse for decades while climate change is destroying the livelihood of millions of people. Although solutions are known, our current system stands in the way of a future of solidarity and a society that is oriented towards the needs of all, lets us live as equals among equals and puts an end to the overexploitation of the planet.

We still believe: Our way to a world of solidarity is antiauthoritarianism, an idea goes against all authorities. Precisely because of this, it is subject to slander and fierce opposition. Yet people around the world have internalized the dream of an egalitarian world without exploitation - and keep fighting for it. We are many, but isolated, acting locally and often uncoordinated. It’s time to change that!

From October 31. to November 3, 2024, the re:FUSE Congress will take place in Hamburg: We want to network, plan and get active with you - in Europe and beyond! How and with whom can we fight against climate change and capitalism? What needs to be done immediately, for what can we do preliminary work? What are our short-term, what are the long-term goals?

The world as we know it is on the edge of destruction. Inspired by the Climate Justice movement, we would like to have these discussions explicitly from an antiauthoritarian and activist perspective. 

Get in touch if you want to get involved in any way!

We are looking forward to hearing from you. You can contact us via PGP encrypted EMail. You can use our public key below.
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